October 2017

Amazing, Generous, Encouraging  -  Words which describe the Fundamentalismo 2017 in Santiago Chile.  Pastor Jorge Vega and his very efficient and loving staff were hosts to this annual meeting of pastors from the Cono Sur, a term which refers to the nations which comprise the southern cone of South America.  The host church, Iglesia Bíblica Bautista La Florida, was established 38 years ago and is a leading church in our circles.  

Pastors and church leaders came from all over Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.  There was even a pastor and his wife who made the trip from Peru.  Russell and Rudy Johnson were there from Miami.  Sharon and I were very privileged to participate this year.  Sharon spoke to the ladies. Rudy challenged the pastors to be faithful and generous.  Russell and I each spoke six times, following the theme that Pastor Jorge had developed: Lo Fundamental eres Tu.  You are fundamental.  We emphasized the importance of the pastor’s devotional life, his personal life, his marriage, his family, his sphere of influence, and his ministry.  To be able to “do ministry” with our dear friend, Russell Johnson, was wonderful!   We thoroughly enjoyed challenging and encouraging our friends with biblical and practical truth.

The details in the preparation and development of this meeting were impressive.  The great meals, the phenomenal music, the welcoming spirit, the servant-leadership all were evident from beginning to end.

Sharon and I were blessed beyond measure to be hosted in the home of the Yañez family. We were privileged to be in two churches on the two Sundays we were in Chile.  We are so happy to be able to serve the Lord by encouraging His servants.  Even though we come away from meetings like this much more blessed and encouraged!   

Of course none of this would have happened without the generosity and faithfulness of our supporting partners.  Thank you for allowing the Lord to bless us through you!